Hands and/or feet

Reflexology (feet and hands)
Reflexology is a wonderfully healing complementary therapy that can help improve sleep, alleviate stress and reduce the effects of chronic pain.
How it works
Following an in-depth consultation, I will begin by massaging and manipulating specific points on the hand or foot. These movements send a calming message to the brain and then to the corresponding part of the body via the nervous system, encouraging healing and benefitting overall well-being.
In person treatment - Using specialist massage techniques I will apply pressure to reflex points on the hands and feet to stimulate nerve endings. This process can help improve circulation, promote cell renewal and support the body’s healing process. Reflexology can also clear energy blockages, restoring balance and inducing a feeling of wellness and calm.
Distance treatment - Reflexology can also be administered remotely by directly sending healing energy to you at a prearranged time.
Length of treatment
In person - 1 hour or 30 minutes
Distance - 1 hour
Cost per session
In person - £50 for 1 hour / £30 for 30 minutes
Distance - £40 for 1 hour
For optimum benefit, I recommend a course of treatments.